No. | Subject | Credit | Description |
University Courses | |||
1. | Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin | 3 | It discusses about certain themes in Islam (Islam thematic), Islam in discipline, dan problems on contemporary Muslims. |
2. | Academic and Scientific Writing | 2 | It emphasizes on the ability of student to do scientific writing and scientific presentation using proper English. This subject emphasizes on the productive and applicative skill needed by students in doing scientific writing and resulted good quality utterance in the form of scientific presentation. |
3. | English for Economic Discipline | 2 | It studies English grammar using Economics vocabulary that will increase the students’ familiarity in the terminology mostly used in the field of economics. |
4. | State Philosophy and Civic Education | 2 | It gives insight on the country’s territoriality such as history, national juridical and jurisdiction of Indonesia and it also gives insight on geopolitics and geostrategic of development efforts on all field, and the role of Indonesia to participate on world peace on the basis of independence. |
5. | Islam for Scholar | 3 | It discusses about the history of thought and Islamic civilization and also the character of the founder of UII |
6. | Arabic Language | 3 | nouns (isim), verb (fiil), conjunctions (harf), Arabic structures (number of mufidah) and learn Arabic passively |
7. | Sharia Entrepreneurship | 2 | It gives knowledge to students about important aspects of entrepreneurship in general and sharia basis. Afterwards, students need to visit company have comparison between theory and real business practice. Thus, students can make their own design for sharia business which probably might be done in the future |
 | Main Subject |  |  |
8. | Introduction to Microeconomics | 3 | It gives description on the basic of economic by emphasizing basic microeconomics and individual decision making as consumer and producer. Individual behavior as consumer will be explained in the theory of demand, theory of demand elasticity and theory of consumer behavior. While individual behavior as producer will be explained in the production theory, cost theory and output market. The aim of this subject is to teach and sharpen the student ability, analysis and application of individual economic behavior as consumer and producer. |
9. | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 3 | It explains about the indicator of macroeconomic performance of a country. It introduces … by doing analysis on long term macroeconomic, introduces factors that influence and its impact on macroeconomic. Student is also introduced to the analysis of by identifying macroeconomic factor that cause the fluctuation of long-term macroeconomics. Then, this subject is ended by introducing opened economic analysis and debate on macroeconomic policy |
10. | Introduction to Business | 3 | It explains, discusses, compares and gives examples, analyzes and evaluates the definition and function of management, principle of management and philosophy of management. Besides, it discusses about the culture of organization for micro and macro and world environment, social responsibility and managerial ethics. In addition, it discusses about the decision making, planning, strategic management, organization, total quality management, organize changes and innovation. It also discusses the basic behavior and group in team including the theory of leadership, motivation, the importance of communication, manage conflict, and controlling of organization. |
11. | Introduction Accounting | 3 | This basic concept gives the ability of students to identify concept, function and application of valid standard accounting on every transaction and other events. Then, the concept understood by student is used to solve problems on accounting application (idea made). Solution on problem can be tested through the right analysis based on the accurate and valid data (mini research). Afterwards, it will be applied on actual condition in the field in the form of project. During the practice class, discussion is held to have perfect working process of student. Theories are obtained from several literate and deepen by Critical Book Review and Journal Review |
12. | Mathematics for Economics | 3 | It consists of the basic of mathematics by emphasizing the applicatin of economic theory. The basic of mathematics consists of arithmatic, algebra, differential and integral. The application of economic theory is the application of mathematics on economics and business that consist of the application of function concept, marginal, finance mathematics, elasticity, producer and consumer surplus. It is hoped that students can make logic frame which is systematic from the economics variable and it is hoped that it can sharpen the ability of quantitative analysis. Thus, it can make the students easier to understand microeconomics, macroeconomics and statistics.
13. | English for Academic Purposes | 2 | It learns about academic skills in writing, reading, basic research and presentations in English. |
14. | Intermediate Microeconomics | 3 | It studies in detail the basic concept which had been taught before. It emphasizes more on the practice in the real world and does advanced microeconomic questions. The aim is to have spontaneous thinking of student on basic concept of microeconomics when analyzing the economic problem. |
15. | Intermediate Macroeconomics | 3 | This course is designed as an intermediate course in Microeconomics. Knowledge of basic concepts is assumed, and new tools are developed to analyze individual decision making under constraints. The course will look into consumer and firm maximization problems, and the General and Partial equilibrium models, imperfect competition models and some game theory fundamentals at the end of the quarter. Most of the topics will include theoretical derivations as well as real life applications |
16. | Descriptive Statistics and Non Parametric | 3 | This subject contains the method of data management, measurement, analysis and intrepetation of a group of data in a descriptive way. Beside that, it also contains the method of hypothesis testing analysis non parametric data (Chi Squared testing and Spearman Rank Correlation testing), which is previously described about the theory and probability distribution as the basic of inferential statistics. It is hoped that students can obtain the basic knowledge on statistics; thus, it can give knowledge on framework about the process of decision making. This subject focused on the application of descriptive statistics for economics and business. To apply statistics analysis, practice is done using softwre program.
17. | Modeling Economics | 3 | This subject is the instrument subject that will study the function decrease, modeling economics, matrix, linear programming and assist students in describing and applying the concept and theory of economics. This is aimed to give understanding so that students know that the economic problem can be modeled in mathematics.
18. | Advanced Microeconomics | 3 | This subject will give further material of microeconomics theory. The aim of this subject is to have broad material on microeconomics theory compared to the subject of intermediate microeconomics. This means giving new material that comes from the development of its microeconomics theory; thus, students understand the development of science from microeconomics theory.
19. | Advanced Macroeconomics | 3 | The course focuses on selected topics which are central to modern macroeconomics, like the short-run economic fluctuations, stabilization policies in the medium-run, long-run economic growth, as well as political economy issues of macroeconomic policies. Both basic and more advanced theoretical models and analytical techniques are widely used in the course but are treated as tools for granting insights into important issues, not as ends in themselves. Yet, this requires from students certain facility with linear algebra and some basic game theory. The course also assumes students’ familiarity with introductory macroeconomics topics but this is not compulsory |
20. | TOEFL Preparation | 2 | Improve reading comprehension, listening comprehension, structure and written expression in English. |
21. | Islamic Microeconomics | 3 | This subject studies about the philosophy concept of Islamic macroeconomics, mastering economics and business ethics, mastering the concept of macroeconomic theory, applying this concept as the basic in theory concept and Islamic finance and banking practice using the theory concept of Islamic economics and finance to analyze and solve economic and finance problem in macro way.
22. | Institutional Economics | 3 | It criticized the assumption of classic/neoclassic economics. The framework of Institutional Economics is beyond the outer the framework of classic/neoclassic economics. The study covers critics on classic and neo classic economics, old institutional economics, new institutional economics and application of institutional economics in the economics activity |
23. | Inductive Statistics | 3 | It prepares the students to have the ability to test and summerize it based on the model and economics theory. Thus, it can be used to have effective decision making. |
24. | Monetary Economics | 3 | It provides students with the theoretical building blocks that are needed for an understanding of the monetary theory and surveys the issues in the present-day monetary policy implementation faced by the central banks. The course equips students with the necessary background to analyze problems involving the determination of interest and exchange rates in the economy as well as with the understanding of what central banks can do to improve the economic performance through the use of the monetary policy instruments. |
25. | International Trade Economics | 3 | It has the concept and theory that underlie the happening of international trade and various instrument of policy on international trade. Specifically, this subject discusses policy of international trade in developing countries and also pros and cons of free trade policy in the context of globalization. |
26. | Public Economics | 3 | There are economic problems in general public (publik/society, government/country) such as policy of subsidy/tax, regulation/deregulation, nationalization/privation, social guarantee system, food endurance, technology policy, defense and security, education and health |
27. | Islamic Macroeconomics | 3 | It studies the philosophy concept of Islamic macroeconomics, mastering economics and business ethics, mastering the concept of macroeconomics theory, apply this concept of econometrics as the basic concept of theory and practice of Islamic banking and finance using the theory of concept Islamic economics and finance to analyze economic and finance problem in macro way. |
28. | Basic Econometrics | 3 | It discusses the basic of theory and applied econometrics, especially for economics and business research. The explanation focused on the understanding of concept, methodology and application using cases based on the field of economics and business. |
29. | Central Bank and Monetary Policy | 3 | It studies the structure and mechanism of central bank in running its role as regulator system monetary in Indonesia. This subject is also studies about the policy applied in central bank, macro prudential and monetary. |
30. | International Finance Economics | 3 | It discusses economic relationship among countries, especially in the aspect of International finance. This subject also discusses balance of payment and policy in solving problem of balance of payment, foreign exchange market and business activity, exchange rate currency, its system and international monetary system. Beside that, it also discusses cases of international finance in several countries. |
31. | Fiscal Policy | 3 | It discusses about the role of government in the development process, especially related to the management of government budget (APBN). It also includes the concept of public economics in Islam perpective. Discussion in class is focussed on the analysis of governement’s source of income and its analysis. |
32. | Development Economics | 3 | It studies the basic issue on development economics. Student can explain and analyze main problems in development economics. Thus, students can give alternative solution scientifically upon the problem. |
33. | Lab of Statistics | 3 | It introduces and develop the basic knowledge of statistics that consists of descriptive and inductive statistics starting from data gathering, its organizing, know and understand the pattern of data or usually called data treatment, difference testing, correlation, regression, significance testing using SPSS and SAS3 software. |
34. | History of Economic Thought | 3 | It studies about the development of economic thought in a basic and comprehensive way starting from the period of pre classic, classic until the end of its development. The development of history of economic thought is explained through the economic leader that did innovations or idea on economics. This subject is closed by presenting leaders of Nobel winner in economics and their idea on economics until the latest year. |
35. | Applied Econometrics | 3 | It studies several topics and model in econometrics. Applied econometrics consists of definition, type, estimation and testing on several model of econometrics. The model is used for applied econometrics on several economic topics. Beside theoretic aspect, this subject also introduces procedure on various techniques of estimation and testing using computer software. |
36. | Islamic Finance and Banking | 3 | This subject is the min subject that study about the role of finance and banking system especially Islamic bank and non bank finance institution and its influence on economy |
37. | Regional and Urban Economics | 3 | It discusses economics in the context or area. Economic problem which is solved not only related to the problem of what, how and for whom, but also the problem of where or the location where the economic activity is done |
38. | Natural Resources and Environmental Economics | 3 | It discusses about the role of natural resources and the environment in the development of economics to have continuous development of economics, sustainability of natural resources to have human welfare. The material consist of the role of natural resource in development, conservation, type of natural resources and analysis on the impact of environment. |
39. | Lab Islamic Banking | 3 | It studies about the application aspect of Islamic banking which has the general concept studied in the previous subject (Islamic Bank Operational). Finance operational consists of the aspect of fund raising, financing, and providing bank services, while for non finance it consists of the aspect of marketing, human resource and administration. |
40. | Development Planning and Policy | 3 | It studies about the basic understanding of development planning on an area. It also studies the technique of planning, procedure and instrument of development planning. |
41. | Research Method for Economics | 3 | It discusses about the type of research, steps of scientific research starting from determining the topic, identifying the problem, literature review, basic theory, conceptual framework, research method on the technique of data gathering, analysis and summary. |
42. | Human Resource Economics | 3 | It studies interaction among demand on work force and offering of work force and also the government policy that arrange the work force working market in the short term and long term. It also studies various problems that happen in the work force market such as the problem of work force discrimination, labor, unemployed, payment and gap on the income of work force. |
43. | Indonesian Economy | 3 | Studies Indonesian Economy and the economic problem faced along the history of the Indonesia’s independence until the latest condition. It also studies about the system of economic in Indonesia and followed by its structural changes. In addition, it studies about the fiscal policy, monetary, and the trading done to increase the economic growth and national development in the world and also equalizes the development through regional development, autonomy and good governance. |